– CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19 – OCP Global Summit 2020

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2CRSi has confirmed its presence at Open Compute Project Global Summit in San José, CA (USA), the next 4-5 march.

The team will be available for meetings and will be part of 2 working teams & shows:

Topic 1: IT gears immersion

This year, 2CRSi will be part of a working group encompassing immersion cooling that brings together several companies such as Flex, Intel, 3M, Wiwynn and Asperitas.

Participants & subjects to come:

  • Material compatibility: Jimil M.Shah – Application Development Engineer, 3M
  • Mechanical design: Leonard/Michael Helezen – Research Engineer, 2CRSi and Lentis Pai, Wiwynn
  • Thermal requirements: Rolf & Jessica Gullbrand – Tech Lead thermal Engineer, Intel
  • Software: Rolf Brink – CEO Asperitas
  • Electronic design: Rick Payne – Sr. Director, Systems Engineer, Flextronics

The target of the working group is to build together a complete guide on immersion. This white paper is intended for designers, manufacturers, integrators and current and potential end-users of immersion-cooling OCP equipment. OCP equipment designed for air can be adapted and supported as well, using this reference guide. Integrators and component suppliers will find useful and specific information to prepare them for OCP immersion cooling systems.

Topics include hardware compatibility, thermal design, mechanical design, electronic design, chassis dimensions, and bin compatibility, power supply, compatibility of existing equipment and finally best practices. 

Timetable: Thursday 5 March from 2:45 pm to 3:13 pm

Topic 2: Takeaways after two years of Immersion

Since 2018, 2CRSi has been continuously gaining experience in designing servers compatible with immersion cooling solutions. Michaël Helezen, our research engineer, specialized in immersion cooling, will present the company’s feedback on 2 years of use. Covered topics will be:

  • Material compatibility: interactivity between the different components and the immersion liquid: what works and what should be avoided
  • Mechanics: design features to be considered when creating an immersion server
  • Electrical: aspects related to the electrical components interacting with the immersion liquid
  • Software: software adaptation of the PSU

Timetable: Thursday, March 5th, 11:10 am

Our team will welcome you on the booth B29, feel free to book a moment with an email.

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