Confirmed order & cash situation as of April 20, 2020

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Following the intention to order announced in a press release on January 24, 2020, 2CRSi announces that it has accepted an order for Blade for a total amount of €24.9 million. For this order aimed at equipping the mid-range and high-end offers of cloud PC service “Shadow”, 2CRSi designed a completely new type of compute servers, even more efficient both in terms of resources used for production and in terms of energy consumption (expected energy savings of more than 30% compared to market standards).

The design of this new product range, highly original, uses some of the Gaudì concepts, especially about heat dissipation. In tribute to the work of the famous Catalan architect, this range of servers bears the abbreviated name of Godì.” says Alain Wilmouth, co-founder of 2CRSi.

Deliveries to Blade will take place from May to October 2020 and relate to products the components of which are either available in stock or funded by capital leases.

With cash of € 10.6 million as of April 20, 2020 (compared to € 8.8 million at the end of February 2020), business continuity for the benefit of customers and commercial contacts still running, the Company reaffirms its confidence in its capacity to get through this challenging period. Currently, activity, although slower, has been maintained at most production sites to ensure equipment deliveries to our customers.


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