Join us at Global Stac Live

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2CRSi is glad to join the discussion as a Gold Sponsor at the Global Stac Live: 3 days of live Q&A, presentations, and exhibits on high tech in finance.

STAC® provides technology research and test tools using standards from the STAC Benchmark™ Council, a group of IT-intensive enterprises and technology vendors.

Global Stac Live Finance

Horses for courses: where to place your computing bets for high-performance analytics

The number of architectures capable of supporting compute-intensive analytics in finance has never been greater. We can choose from an ever-expanding range of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and NPUs, which can in turn use a wide variety of interconnects. Such freedom to choose is good, but it comes with responsibility. In the absence of performance-portable APIs, switching architectures can be extremely expensive and time-consuming. This forces businesses to place major bets on how architecture will serve business needs both today and several years from now. Which processors are currently best suited to which kinds of workloads? How will that evolve over the next 3 to 5 years? What role do interconnects play in the equation, and where are they headed? How can a firm hedge against a potentially volatile computing landscape for the foreseeable future?

Speakers onboard

  • • Alain Wilmouth, Founder and Chairman, 2CRSi
  • • Christoph Lameter, Garden Leave
    • John Ashley, Director, Global Financial Services Strategy, NVIDIA
    • Alexander Tsyplikhin, Senior AI Engineer, Graphcore
    • Raghu Nambiar, Corporate Vice President, Datacenter Ecosystems and Solutions, AMD

This talk will start on June, 4th at 2.30PM (Paris Time)

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